About Methods SG Pte. Ltd.

Methods SG Pte. Ltd. is a Singapore based methods Freelance consultant for all kinds of Civil engineering works. We are specialist in design, supply, fabrication and delivering of any kind of formworks. We have worked in projects like High Rise Buildings, Tunnels, Stadiums, Airports, Power Plant, Chemical Plant, Harbour and commercial buildings in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines and India for above past 10 years.

Methods SG Pte. Ltd. gives the best solutions and methods in Civil engineering field regards Construction Methodology, Site Installation, Construction Phasing, Construction activity Sequences, Civil work Programme, Structural Framings, Construction Equipments like Formworks, Shoring materials, Shutter panels and Platforms, Safety precaution equipments and its design by means of detailed drawings in 2D & 3D, as well as in Animation Video.

Why Methods?

Methods department plays an unique and vital role in the field of Civil Engineering. It explains what to do, how to do and when to do. Methods analyze and gives the fastest, easiest, economical and safest way to do the work with highest level of Quality. It will analyze and suggest the best methods for construction in all aspects including Design, Safety, Economic and Quality. It will ensures the highest level of reusing of materials, thereby limiting the wastages. It will suggests the preassembled or prefabricated formworks for construction, thereby saving the time and man power required for erection and placing.

Methods not only limiting it with in analyzing and giving the best solutions. It also extent it wings to the time of execution and monitoring the works, whether the things are going as per plannings.

Why Methods SG Pte. Ltd. ?

Methods SG Pte. Ltd. is the leading Freelance Consultant in Methods. It’s starve for innovations and solutions make it to move on, high. It’s well experienced and creative minded Engineers, coordinate and workout the best of best solutions for any sort of engineering issues. Methods SG Pte. Ltd. not only train the engineers, technically.

Methods SG will demonstrate everything very detaily by means of drawings and videos. Even the last level labors can understand the drawings and execute the works without any supervision. Our works in Pretender Projects get the attention of Clients and won the lot of Tenders. We always take full responsibilities and accomplish the works in a unique manner.